“Failing to quit” is a motto I’ve been living by over the past couple years after leaving the comforts of the corporate world and starting my own company.  

Being an entrepreneur is an incredible journey that has challenged me in ways I never thought possible, and presented me with some incredible experiences that I never thought were possible (which is saying something after working in marketing for Disney).  

But it is also an emotional roller coaster taking you from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. 

This blog is going to document some of my thoughts and journeys of starting a company (in addition to being a therapeutic release).  As an entrepreneur we often feel as though we are on an island, experiencing the trials and tribulations by ourselves because we aren’t sure who to talk to around us. 

We also feel like our failures are magnified and solely our fault, most likely because there is no safety net when running your own business. Mental health, physical well being and social interaction are just a few of the non-business struggles I will touch upon in this blog. 

But we will also discuss some of the more traditional items, from investor capital and marketing initiatives, to building a team and finishing your product. 

Not sure how often I will write – kinda when the mood strikes or topic presents itself – but I promise to be honest and as transparent as possible.  Hopefully through my writings I can assist or connect with one person who feels they are alone on the “entrepreneur island” and help them realize there are others going through the same thing. 

I hope you enjoy “Failing to Quit” – thanks for reading!